Monthly payment for long-term static proxy IPIt is a network proxy service that can provide customers with stable and long-term static proxy IP addresses. Compared with dynamic proxy IP, static proxy IP is more stable and reliable, which can ensure lower error rate and higher access speed for customers during use.

At the same time, Monthly payment for long-term static proxy IP service also has high security, because customers have independent IP addresses, which can effectively avoid being banned or restricting access. Of course, such services may require additional expenses, but for some specific network application requirements, Monthly payment for long-term static proxy IP is a very valuable choice。

Long-lastingStatic proxy IP application scenarios

Monthly payment for long-term static proxy IP can be used in a variety of network application scenarios, including but not limited to the following aspects:

Access to Restricted Sites:Some websites restrict access to specific areas, IP segments or users. By using Monthly payment for long-term static proxy IP, users can obtain IP addresses from all over the world to achieve barrier-free access to the website。

Social media account:use proxy IP login to social networking sites can hide your real IP address, thereby reducing the risk of being attacked or tracked. If you often log in to your social account in a public network environment, use Proxy IP can effectively protect your privacy and security.

Data collection and analysis:In order to automatically collect and analyze data on the Internet, a large number of valid IP addresses are required, otherwise they will be restricted or blocked. Using Monthly payment for long-term static proxy IP can improve collection efficiency and avoid being restricted or blocked。

cyber security:For some network application requirements that require confidentiality,Monthly payment for long-term static proxy IP can provide higher security, because customers can have independent IP addresses, which can avoid their IP addresses being blocked or blacklisted due to the actions of others.

Game acceleration:Some online games have higher requirements on the player's network environment. If the network is not good, it may cause problems such as game delay and freeze. Use Monthly payment for long-term static proxy IP can maximize the optimization of the network environment, so as to obtain a better gaming experience.

Monthly payment for long-term static proxy IP can be used in a variety of network application scenarios, but you need to carefully choose the service that suits you according to your specific needs.

Advantages for managing social accounts

There are the following situations and methods to set Socks5staticResidentialproxy, you can see which one is more suitable for you!

Monthly payment for long-term static proxy IP can be used to manage social accounts, it has the following advantages:

Long-Lasting is stable:Monthly payment for long-term static proxy IP is more stable and Long-lasting than dynamicIP. A static IP address can last for a month or more, while a dynamic IP may change every few minutes or hours。

Improve account security:Using Proxy IP to log in to social networking sites can hide your real IP address, thereby reducing the risk of being attacked or tracked. If you often log in to your social account in a public network environment, using Proxy IP can effectively protect your privacy and security。

Work around network limitations:If you are in a certain area, access to social media may be restricted by the area, using Proxy IP can help you solve this problem。

In conclusion, Monthly payment for long-term static proxy IP is a viable option to manage social accounts and improve account security and stability. But you need to pay attention to the purchase of formal proxy service business, and abide by relevant network rules and laws and regulations。

7 Monthly payment for long-term static proxy IP

Cheapest Socks5staticResidentialProxy IP offers for business

$2.076/month from 1 - $2.91/month / From 100 - $2.45/month

go to Proxy-seller official website
Socks5staticResidentialProxy with high security IP provides business

$1.77/month from 1 - $1.77/month / From 100 - $1.77/month

go to Proxyline official website
The most stable and reliable Socks5staticResidentialProxy IP provides business

$2.40/month from 1 - $3.00/month / From 100 - $2.40/month

go toIPRoyalofficial website
Super fast Socks5staticResidentialProxy IP provides business

$1.77/month from 1 - $1.77/month / From 100 - $1.77/month

go to Proxysale official website
Reliable Static Residential Proxies

$17.5/GB Residential Proxy - $350/20GB / Datacenter proxy - $100/100GB

go to NetNut official website
Socks5staticResidentialProxy for local tyrants IP provides business

$0.98/month from 1 - $0.98/month / From 100 - $0.98/month

go to Webshare official website
Need social media Socks5staticResidentialProxy IP provides business

$1.3/month From 25 - $1.3/month / From 100 - $1.3/month

go to Youproxy official website
Tyrant Socks5staticResidentialProxy IP provides business

$2.67/month From 10 - $2.67/month / From 100 - $2.67/month

go to official website

Advantages and disadvantages of using Monthly payment for long-term static proxy IP

Monthly payment for long-term static proxy The advantages and disadvantages of IP are as follows:


good stability:Compared with dynamicIP, staticIP is more stable and can use one IP address for a long time。

high security:Using Proxy IP can hide the real IP address, thereby increasing network security. If you log in to your social account in a public network environment, using Proxy IP will play a protective role。

fast internet:Monthly payment for long-term static proxy Generally speaking, IP has a faster network speed and can provide a smooth network experience.

Cross-area access:If your area is restricted by certain websites or services, using Proxy IP can help you Cross-area access target websites or services。


higher price:Compared with dynamic IP, the price of Monthly payment for long-term static proxy IP is much higher, because the cost of obtaining fixed IP resources is higher。

Not suitable for frequent IP changes:StaticIP needs to be replaced manually, and the replacement is more complicated, so it is not suitable for users who need to change IP frequently。

There is a risk of being blocked:There is a risk of being blocked when using Proxy IP,Especially some free proxy IPs are easily blocked by the target website. Therefore, when using Proxy IP, you need to choose a regular supply business and abide by network rules and laws and regulations。